Photo © Firewolf 2019
Aims and Purposes
The aims and purposes of the Gorsedd as set out in Clause 2 of the Constitution are:
a. To work at all times and with all parties within the tenets of 'honourable relationship' while recognizing that clear, open non-confrontational communication is deeply embedded within the Druid tradition.
b. To work within the tenets and context of modern Druidry recognising the influence and practice of animism and shamanism in the practice of British native paganism and the Celtic heritage inherent in Druidry, while seeking to foster relationship and understanding between the practice of Druidry and other spiritual and religious practices.
c. To offer ritual celebrations at Stonehenge and other sacred sites. These will primarily be open Gorseddau and other ceremonies within the context of Stonehenge itself and the surrounding sacred landscape, but also be further afield. The celebrations will normally be at the traditional festival times, or when otherwise deemed appropriate.
d. To provide information on the principles and practice of Druidry for the benefit of all.
e. To inspire and facilitate the practice of Druidry in a spiritual, practical and meaningful way.
f. To offer events advancing the education of the public in Druidry, spirituality and other related topics. These events may include, but not be limited to, performing arts, guided walks, story-telling, poetry, music, history, ecology, conservation, plant lore, divination, conferences, camps, workshops, retreats, courses and similar events.
g. To provide celebrants to individuals, couples, groups and organisations for ceremonies such as rites of passage.
h. To work towards and promote a deeper sense of sacredness regarding Stonehenge, its wider landscape, as well as other sacred sites, while encouraging ethical standards of living and conduct together with conscious responsibility for the actions of Cor Gawr as an organisation and as individuals.
i. To promote religious harmony and diversity, interfaith dialogue and understanding.
j. To foster communication, understanding and co-operation with other Druid Orders, groups, groves and Gorseddau, as well as other appropriate organisations active within the Stonehenge landscape or where deemed appropriate further afield.
k. Any other legal activity the Council may decide furthers the purposes of Cor Gawr and the understanding and acceptance of Druidry in general.
The Gorsedd covers all its costs with the generosity of your donations, with the priests and organisers of the Gorsedd paying for all other expenses incurred not covered by those donations from their own pocket, as a service to the wider community. Donations are always welcome to help cover the cost of administration, website etc. If you feel able to help with some of these costs, we are always most grateful and appreciative of your generosity . You can donate by using the button below. Thank you!