Stonehenge from west

Photo © Firewolf 2019.

Home Page

Welcome to the website of the Gorsedd of Bards of Cor Gawr, that is Gorsedd Beirdd Côr y Cewri in Cymraeg.

We are an independent group who work to bring open ceremonies and other events relevant to the Druid and wider spiritual community within the context and setting of the Stonehenge landscape. The Gorsedd meets at Stonehenge to witness and honour the dawn on Midsummer’s Day (24th June) and again on the Sunday before Midwinter's Eve at around sunset (dates and times subject to change by English Heritage) and so offers members of the Druid, Pagan, and wider faith communities an opportunity for focussed ritual, meditation, and celebration within a smaller group than at Open Access.

The Gorsedd was inaugurated in the late 1990s by Emma Restall Orr and Philip Shallcrass of the British Druid Order. It then became part of The Druid Network from 2002 until 2014, and was organised and led between 2005-2016 by Christine Cleere (Vixxen) and the supporting priests. Since Midsummer 2016 a dedicated Council of Elders has run and organised the Gorsedd. We work within the tenets and framework of modern Pagan Druidry whilst being open and welcoming to those of all paths and faiths. The Gorsedd gatherings are made up of people from all walks of life both within and outside of our tradition who come from all over the British Isles, as well as from Europe and beyond. Many of these folks come back year after year to celebrate our native tradition, also bringing with them their own words and offerings to enrich the experience for all.


Please note the website was, in 2021, the victim of hackers. It was then put back in full working order with a completely new layout and so it remains! Blessings to all!




The Gorsedd covers all its costs with the generosity of your donations, with the priests and organisers of the Gorsedd paying for all other expenses incurred not covered by those donations from their own pocket, as a service to the wider community. Donations are always welcome to help cover the cost of administration, website etc. If you feel able to help with some of these costs, we are always most grateful and appreciative of your generosity . You can donate by using the button below. Thank you!

